Just because they are small, don’t go thinking that you can give hamsters any less care, commitment and love than you’d give to a bigger pet. In this section, we show you by far the best way to give your pet hamster, be it a Syrian or Dwarf, the time of their little life.

Hamster Behaviour & Training Tips

Handling & Bonding Guide For Hamsters

Housing Your Hamster

What Fruits & Vegetables Can Hamsters Eat
In the wild, hamsters are omnivores which means they’ll happily munch on grasses, seeds, plant roots and the occasional tasty creepy-crawly!

Hamster Care Guide
Just because they are small, don’t go thinking that hamsters take any less care, commitment and love than you’d give to a bigger pet.
Consumer Care Line
Call our consumer care line on +44 1405 862241 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. Our dedicated team of animal experts will help you make the right choice.
If you should have any concerns about the health of your four-legged friends, always consult a vet.