Rabbit Awareness Week (RAW) is back for 2021 and we’re going to be hopping through the years with our theme this year!
Rabbit Awareness Week is an annual campaign which aims to educate rabbit owners on all aspects on their care. We will be bringing you a week of great content over on our RAW Facebook and Instagram page. Rabbit Awareness Week is proudly supported by:
And is endorsed by:
2021 also marks the 15th anniversary of RAW. Since our beginnings in 2006, we’ve strived to demonstrate the best care for rabbits across the world. We’ve campaigned for owners to move away from muesli, to make sure every rabbit is vaccinated against life-threatening rabbit diseases, and for owners to make one small change to their rabbits’ care for the better.
Thank you to all of you who have been on this journey with us. The great news is that as we learn more about brilliant bunnies and their proper care, rabbits are living longer. This is why for the 15th anniversary we’re focusing on the life stages of our rabbits.
Let’s take a look at what we’ll be doing this RAW:
DAY ONE: Preparing to own rabbits
Ever wondered whether rabbits are good pets for you and your family? Or which rabbit breed to get? And how much do rabbits cost? In the first day of RAW we will be answering these questions, plus taking a look at what you need before bringing your rabbits home.
Did you know? It is vital that as owners you are meeting your rabbits’ five welfare needs. These are:
- Diet: Follow the Excel Feeding plan to ensure your rabbits are getting everything they need.
- Environment: Create the perfect housing for your rabbits with plenty of space to hop around!
- Behaviour: Discover more about what makes your rabbits tick and how to train them.
- Companionship: Rabbits are social animals and should be kept in suitable pairs or groups.
- Health: Know what to look out for and the signs of common health problems in rabbits.
Check out each of our welfare guides to discover more.
DAY TWO: Junior rabbits and new owners
What can rabbits eat? Where do rabbits live? Bringing rabbits into your lives for the first time can be daunting as well as exciting. These great animals can be brilliant additions to your home, but they do have complex care needs.
However, help is on hand! In day two of Rabbit Awareness Week we’ll be taking a look at the basics of the five welfare needs, including the best food for rabbits, how to bond with your rabbits and rabbit behaviour. We’ll also be showing some great examples of brilliant bunny housing as well as hearing from vets as to why it is so important to register your rabbits with a vet.
DAY THREE: Adult rabbits
Your rabbits are generally considered to be adults from 16 weeks old. At this age you can transition them onto adult nuggets, like Burgess Excel Adult Rabbit Nuggets with Mint. Join us on day three to discover more about how to give the best care for your adult rabbits.
Learn how to create your own boredom breakers, great for your rabbits’ emotional health, as well as how to groom your rabbits. Ensuring your rabbits are up to date with their vaccinations throughout their life is essential. We will be discussing the symptoms of myxomatosis as well as other health conditions such as fly strike and dental disease in rabbits.
Did you know? Rabbit siblings can mate. This is why it is so important to get your rabbits neutered as soon as they’re ready. For male rabbits this is around 10-12 weeks, as soon as their testicles descend. For female rabbits, the typical age for spaying is 16-20 weeks. Once you’ve registered with a vet they will be able to advise you as to the best time to take your rabbits in for neutering.
DAY FOUR: Senior rabbits
Day four is dedicated to our OABs (Old Age Buns!). The age that we generally class a rabbit as senior is five years old. However, this does depend on the breed. Your senior bunny will experience changes in their behaviour and energy levels, but this doesn’t mean they still can’t have a long and healthy life.
Day four will examine some of the adaptations you will need to make to help your rabbits as they age. We’ll take a look at some of the common health conditions associated with old age as well as how to adapt their housing and diet to meet their changed needs. Unfortunately, as bunnies age, one of a bonded pair will pass away. We will discuss the best steps to take if one of your rabbits passes away, and how to help a rabbit who is experiencing a bereavement.
DAY FIVE: Owners’ Day
Happy owner day! This is your chance to ask the RAW team any questions you might have about the five welfare needs. Ever wondered what the best food for rabbits is? Or how rabbits show affection? Join us to find out!
DAY SIX: Rescue Day
Saturday 3rd July is dedicated to rabbit rescues everywhere. Join the RAW superhero rabbits Hopscotch and Skipper as they bust some of the myths associated with rescues, share some great stories and help us try to find some rabbits their forever homes. If you want to know where to adopt a rabbit, find some rabbits up for adoption or help support a rescue near you, tune in for Rescue Day.
Don’t forget to stay up to date on the Rabbit Awareness Weeks social media.
Plus, you can get involved with our Rabbit Awareness Week packs. Download yours today over on the Rabbit Awareness Week website.