This year’s theme was Neutering: Protect and Prevent – and the great news is that more bunny lovers than ever engaged with this important campaign
A huge thank you to each and every one of you who took part in this year’s Rabbit Awareness Week (RAW) event, which focused on ‘Neutering: Protect and Prevent’.
The action-packed week of bunny-focused activity had an estimated 20 million mentions across social media – meaning that more people than ever were made aware of the importance of neutering for the health and wellbeing of their buns!
The five-day programme of events hosted by bunny experts included:
- Day one: An Introduction to Neutering
- Day two: Female Spaying
- Day three: Male Castration
- Day four: Post Operation Care
- Day five: Rescue Day
What did our survey say?
To get valuable feedback on this year’s event, we asked bunny owners to take part in a survey. The findings revealed:
- 54% of rabbit owners surveyed downloaded a pack
- 40% of rabbit owners surveyed shared RAW content on social media
- 30% of rabbit owners surveyed said they learnt something new about neutering
- 8% of owners surveyed said they will be getting their rabbits neutered after RAW
- 22% said they would be making changed to their rabbits housing
- 45% of owners said they would be making new or upcycling items for their rabbits
Respondents also shared what they’d learnt from this year’s RAW event, with comments including:
“Neutering them is better all around, not just for health but also for their future, when it comes to pairing.”
“Rabbits need lots of care and looking after.”
“Males can be castrated as early as 10 weeks.”
“The size of the enclosure needed.”
“What other things they could eat. Even after looking after rabbits for 30+ years. Thank you!”
What did the UK’s vets tell us?
We also surveyed veterinary professionals who supported this year’s RAW campaign – 87% promoted the event in their practice with display corners, bunny MOT appointments and colouring competitions. The findings revealed:
- 98% of veterinary professionals surveyed believe that RAW has had a positive impact on the care of rabbits in the UK
- 87% believe rabbit welfare is improving in the UK
- 72% think that owners still know very little about any areas of neutering
Burgess in-house vet, Dr Suzanne Moyes MVB MRCVS, says: “The objective of this year’s RAW campaign was to raise awareness about neutering and its importance for rabbits’ health and welfare: allowing your rabbits to live safely in pairs or groups which is a fundamental recommendation for a healthy rabbit.
“Everyone involved – including our charity partners Wood Green Animal Shelter, RSPCA, Blue Cross, Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund (RWAF), and Raystede Centre for Animal Welfare – is delighted with what this year’s RAW has achieved. However, there’s always more to do when it comes to helping the UK’s rabbits live happy and healthy lives and we’re committed to continuing with our mission to make a real difference to these often misunderstood animals.”
With so many unwanted rabbits currently waiting for new homes at rescue centres, neutering your bunnies is not only an important responsibility, but it also provides your pets with a whole host of health and wellbeing benefits.
- Neutering not only prevents breeding and unwanted litters, but also prevents diseases linked to reproductive organs. Around 90% of unneutered female rabbits develop cancer of the womb by the age of five.
- Neutering helps to promote harmonious relationships between bonded pairs.
- Female rabbits reach sexual maturity between four to six months of age and are usually spayed when they are around four to five months old.
- Male rabbits reach sexual maturity at around three months and can be castrated as early as 10 to 12 weeks. However, they can remain fertile for up to six weeks, post castration, so should be kept apart from unneutered female rabbits during this period.
Rabbits are herbivores and need a plant-based diet with lots of fibre to keep their digestive system healthy. Along with their rabbit nuggets and a few healthy treats make sure your rabbits have unlimited access to good quality, dust extracted feeding hay and fresh grass to graze on. Check out our tasty nugget varieties specially created for junior and dwarf rabbits, indoor bunnies, golden oldies, adult rabbits – there’s even a light recipe for buns who are watching their weight!
WHY DOES MY RABBIT...? If you’re a bunny lover, you’ll probably have many rabbit-related questions you’d like some answers to. For example, why does my rabbit bite me? Why does my rabbit thump? Why does my rabbit nose-nudge me? Why does my rabbit chuck stuff about? Read on to discover a whole warren full of fascinating answers...
CARE MORE Find lots of useful advice on caring for your rabbits from Burgess, the pet experts. Training, nutrition, grooming and general care, it's all here >>
Are your bunnies Burgess bunnies? Join the Burgess Pet Club for exclusive offers and rewards.
At Burgess Pet Care, which is located on the edge of the North York Moors, the 1st of August is a special day on the calendar as it’s Yorkshire Day! Join in the fun with our quick quiz all about our favourite pets >>
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