The best hay for rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas and degus provides these discerning dry grass nibblers with vital nutrition. However, not all hay is the same – and it’s super important to know the difference between tasty, nourishing feeding hay and bog-standard bedding hay.
Burgess in-house vet Dr Suzanne Moyes MVB MRCVS says: “Our recent Small Animal Census – which surveyed 6,514 owners and 20,915 small animals – revealed that almost a quarter of small pet owners – 24% – aren’t aware that there’s a difference between feeding and bedding hay.”
Raising hay awareness
For small pet experts, this is a disturbing finding which has pushed raising hay awareness up the agenda.
Dr Moyes explains: “For small pets such as rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas and degus to be healthy, it’s vital that you choose hay that’s specially grown for them to feed on. It has to be cut at just the right time to capture all the tasty, natural goodness, so your small pets enjoy eating it.”
We asked small animal owners if they think there’s a difference between feeding and bedding hay. Our survey revealed:
Guinea pig owners – YES 68%, NO 32%
Rabbit owners – YES 79%, NO 21%
Overall – YES 76%, NO 24%
Bedding hay, which tends to be yellow or brown in colour, is only suitable for small pets to sleep on. Dr Moyes adds: “This sort of hay is likely to be cheaply manufactured, dusty and of unknown nutritional value. Guinea pigs in particular are severely affected by dust and dusty hay can cause serious respiratory problems. Always look for high quality hay which states that it’s ‘dust extracted’, to protect your guinea pigs’ respiratory health.”
How much feeding hay do rabbits and guinea pigs need each day?
Having plenty of fresh, irresistibly tasty feeding hay every day is an absolute essential for rabbits and guinea pigs. In fact, around 85-90% of their diet should be high quality feeding hay and grazed grass. That’s equal to their own body size in hay every day!
“High quality meadow hay is fresh and fragrant, barn dried, dust extracted and rich in nutrients as well as being an excellent source of fibre, which is important for buns and piggies to be healthy and happy,” advises Dr Moyes. “Munching on hay also helps keep continually growing teeth in good shape, helping to prevent dental issues.
“The health benefits of feeding top quality feeding hay are indisputable and can help guard against costly visits to the vet. In fact, most of the medical and surgical problems that occur in pet rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas and degus – such as dental, gut, eye, behavioural, urinary, weight and skin problems – are due to poor nutrition and could be prevented with an improved diet.”
We asked small animal owners how often they fed their pets hay. Our survey revealed:
Guinea pig owners – TWICE A DAY 47%, DAILY 50%, EVERY OTHER DAY 2%, ONCE A WEEK 1%
Rabbit owners – TWICE A DAY 48%, DAILY 49%, EVERY OTHER DAY 2%, ONCE A WEEK 1%
Reap the benefits of choosing high-quality feeding hay
Eating lots of nutritious, dust-extracted feeding hay provides all sorts of benefits you may not be aware of.
- HAY PROVIDES VITAL FIBRE Top quality feeding hay is an excellent source of fibre and plays a vital part in digestion. Rabbits and guinea pigs need to keep their digestive systems busy with a mix of two kinds of fibre moving through the gut at all times. These types of fibre are called digestible fibre and indigestible fibre. They get this fibre mainly from high quality feeding hay.
- HAY IS GOOD FOR KEEPING TEETH IN GOOD SHAPE Munching on delicious hay also keeps continuously growing teeth in check, thereby helping to prevent dental disease.
- HAY HELPS PROMOTE OVERALL HEALTH Feeding plenty of high-quality feeding hay, some grass-based nuggets and a few fresh greens will help your rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas and degus maintain healthy skin, coat, eyes, teeth and digestion.
- HAY MAKES YOUR SMALL PETS FEEL GOOD Chomping on hay also does wonders for your small pets’ emotional wellbeing. In the wild, rabbits and guinea pigs spend around 70% of their time foraging and eating grass and other plants. For pet rabbits and guinea pigs, being given the opportunity to forage and chew keeps them physically and emotionally stimulated and enables them to express their natural behaviours.
A delicious selection of home-grown goodness
There are all sorts of temptingly tasty feeding hay and dried grass for rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas and degus to eat and enjoy and individual pets will no doubt have their favourites!
What’s more, Burgess Excel hay comes in a choice of fully recyclable cardboard boxes or easy-open bags which are recyclable in large supermarkets – both of which will keep each batch of hay fresh until it’s all been eaten up. Why not mix and match to see what varieties your small furries like best?
- Meadow hay, naturally high in fibre and dust-extracted to protect respiratory health
- Tasty Timothy hay – always a favourite with small furries
- Long stem feeding hay (perfect for your buns to chew on to protect their dental health)
- Sweet smelling Timothy hay with dandelion and marigold (to aid urinary tract health and help build a healthy immune system)
- Barn-dried fresh grass – ideal for that time of year when your lawn's past its best
How to add some hay-based fun to feeding time
To encourage your small pets to get stuck into their delicious dried grass, why not add some play to the hay?
Most buns like to play and throw toys around, so incorporating hay as part of play activities is a great way to encourage your pets to enjoy their tasty hay. A willow ball or cardboard tube filled with hay is ideal for batting about. Or try putting a bunch of fresh hay in a sheet of brown paper and tie the ends with a strand of hay to look like a Christmas cracker. Your rabbits will love chucking this around and then ripping it open to get to the hay inside.
If you have small pets, you’ll never run out of uses for cardboard loo rolls! And, turning them into hanging hay-filled toys couldn’t be simpler. Make a few and hang them at different heights to provide some snacking fun with a bit of a challenge. Find out more about DIY enrichment toys for your pets >>
Rabbits generally prefer to munch on hay while they’re resting and they also like to ‘poo and chew’, so put a pile of hay in their favourite resting places and hang a hay rack above their litter tray.
As guinea pigs love to forage and search out titbits, scattering some tasty grass-based nuggets and Nature Snacks amongst big piles of yummy feeding hay will encourage them to explore a healthy range of fibre-filled flavours.
And, at Burgess Pet Care we take our hay very seriously...
- At Burgess, we have a long tradition of supporting British farmers. As part of our ongoing commitment, we actively source our ingredients as close to our mill as possible.
- The grass used in our Excel nuggets is sourced from the UK to meet our stringent specifications and we know exactly which field each batch comes from and the date it was harvested. It’s also exclusive to Burgess. No other pet food manufacturer has access to our grass!
- The grass is harvested when it’s at its lushest to ensure the optimum level of nutrients and fibre, helping to ensure that it delivers all the goodness pet animals require.
- Our grass is grown on an estate that works in partnership with the local wildlife trust and ensures that the grassland is managed to reduce environmental impact and positively encourage biodiversity. This includes over 140 miles of hedgerow, providing a home for a variety of flora and fauna including bird species such as linnets, whitethroats, yellow wagtails and blackbirds. The field margins have been enhanced with wildflowers and rare plants are encouraged, such as yellow-wort, autumn gentian, dyer's greenweed, clustered bellflower, pyramidal and man orchids, to encourage pollinating insects.
*****With a whole host of five-star reviews, Burgess Excel customers who have purchased our hay have told us: * “Great quality, smells amazing!” * “Excellent quality hay for a very reasonable price. The hay is green and healthy, it smells great, and the strands are long and thick. My rabbit absolutely loves it.” * “Great product. The bunnies loved it!! Big hit.” * “Such fresh smelling hay and beautifully green in colour. My rabbits get so excited when I'm giving them the feeding hay and it’s so beneficial for them.” * “Our guinea pigs love this hay!” *
Check out the Burgess Excel feeding hay range of boxes, bags and bundles! >>
Our small pets deserve a high-quality diet that’s created just for them. At Burgess, all our foods for small pets is made at our factory in the heart of Yorkshire, using only ingredients that meet our stringent specifications. We have also launched many innovations. These include the world’s first food specifically formulated for indoor rabbits and the world’s first indoor guinea pig nuggets which are made with a calm formula.
Check out the Burgess Excel small pets range >>
Are your small pets Burgess small pets? Join the Burgess Pet Club for exclusive offers and rewards.
- You can also sign up to the Excel Bunny Base – a safe Facebook community for rabbit guardians that are looking for advice and friendly discussions from likeminded owners – and there are lots of cute bunny photos and videos!
- Or why not join the Excel Squeak Squad on Facebook? Find advice and enjoy friendly discussions with likeminded guinea pig owners. You can also join Berry & Bramble, our special G-force guinea pigs, on weekly missions and fun competitions.
CARE MORE Find lots of useful advice on caring for all your pets from Burgess, the pet experts. Training, nutrition, grooming and general care. It’s all here >>
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