From rabbits to guinea pigs, pet rats, mice, gerbils and hamsters to chinchillas, degus and ferrets, when it comes to naming your small pets, how do you choose a name that suits their beguiling looks, sweet personalities and adorable ways?
According to Burgess Pet Care’s recent Small Animal Census, it seems that names related to nature remain popular with Willow, Daisy and Poppy top picks for guinea pigs. For bunnies, food-related names score highly, such as Cookie, Pumpkin, Oreo and Fudge.
Popular girls’ names also feature, with Lola, Rosie and Coco also making the top 10 lists for both bunnies and piggies.
Burgess Pet Care in-house vet Dr Suzanne Moyes MVB MRCVS says: “Our Small Animal Census – which surveyed 6,514 owners and 20,915 small animals – has given us a fantastic insight into the lives of small pets across the UK. It was also fun to see what names people choose for their small pets. Giving our pets names lays the foundation for the human-animal bond and naming your pet demonstrates that they are a treasured part of the family. At Burgess, team members have bunnies named Nelly and Bertie and guinea pigs called Bubble and Squeak. I also know of someone who has three female guinea pigs called Phoebe, Monica and Rachel (after the Friends characters), which are such sweet names for piggies!”
Have you ever wondered when humans started giving animals names? According to The Dodo: “It was quite likely after our earliest interspecies bonding, with the domestication of dogs some 50,000 years ago, that we first began to bestow some form of personal names upon animals, too – and in so doing, elevated their distinction from a generalised animal, to an individualised companion.”
Check out the top 10 names for guinea pigs and rabbits and see if your pets’ names are on the list:
1. Luna
2. Willow
3. Daisy
4. Thumper
5. Lola
6. Rosie
7. Poppy
8. Coco
9. Honey
10. Oreo
Why do we often give our pets human names? According to Toni Perling, co-founder of Petnames.com, quoted on Vetstreet, it’s due to a desire to make our pets even more part of the family: “In the last five to 10 years, we’ve seen a rise in the emotional bonding and connection with our pets, and that leads to giving them more human names.”
1. Cookie
2. Daisy
3. Pumpkin
4. Oreo
5. Willow
6. Coco
7. Ginger
8. Rosie
9. Poppy
10. Fudge
What’s the best way to choose the most appropriate names for your rabbits, guinea pigs or other small pets? According to Pet Helpful, it’s a good idea to select a name based on their personality: “To do this, you must first spend some time with your pet, getting to know him/her. After a while, you will begin to notice small characteristics and behaviours unique to them; these are the basic elements of your pet’s personality.” How about Dash or Zigzag for a super-speedy bun? For a pair of guinea pigs with distinctly different personalities, how about Dawn and Dusk or Sunny and Rain?
How to pick perfect names for your small pets
You want to choose something special that really suits your pets that they can learn to recognise. Bay Vets has the following advice:
- Opt for a shorter name – Pet names tend to be shorter than human ones. This makes them easier to pronounce and also get the attention of animals.
- Avoid naming them after someone you’re close to – Steer clear of names that are the same as those of friends or people in your household – this can cause a great deal of confusion! Likewise, if you have a pair of rabbits or guinea pigs, avoid similar sounding names to avoid mix-ups. Florence and Freddie works fine, Florence and Lawrence, not so much...
- Consider waiting a week or two before deciding on a name for your pet – You’ll want time to discover the personality of your new animal so you can decide on a name that suits them properly.
- Don’t pick a name that sounds like a command – This can also cause a lot of confusion. For example, Bo could be mistaken for ‘no’ and Ray could be mistaken for ‘stay’.
- Be hesitant about changing an older pet’s name – Shelter/rescue pets who come from stressful environments may need the stability of their old name to help them adapt to a new home. Likewise, if an animal has an anxious personality, it may be wise to forgo changing their name until they settle in.
Do small pets recognise their name?
If you’re wondering if your small pets can learn to respond to the name you’ve taken so much time and trouble deciding on, according to animal experts, with patience, praise and positive reinforcement – along with some tasty, healthy treats – they can!
Rabbit expert The Bunny Lady says: “Rabbits are smarter pets than people give them credit for. They have a strong memory for repetition, which means that if you consistently use your rabbit’s name, they will learn it over time. However, rabbits will not automatically know their name. The key here is consistency. It’s important to stick to the name you choose and not switch between various nicknames.”
“It may be surprising to some animal lovers, and even some piggy parents, but guinea pigs do indeed know their name,” states GuineaDad, adding: “In our last YouTube Vlog, there were a few times that I called out to Tofu. While I was calling out to Tofu, Dumpling did not react at all. However, when I call out to Dumpling, she quickly turns her attention to me.”
According to GuineaDad, encouraging your piggy to learn their name is all about patience, consistency and treats! “When you call your guinea pig out to you, always reward them. When you do this multiple times, your guinea pigs will recognise the pattern when you call out to them. When I first got Dumpling, she took a little while to learn things compared to Tofu and Peanut. All it takes is a little patience and love, and they’ll get the hang of it eventually.”
Super smart rats are likely to quickly learn to respond when you call their name. “Rats and mice are highly intelligent rodents,” says PETA. “They are natural students who excel at learning and understanding concepts. Rats are considerably smaller than dogs, but they are at least as capable of thinking about things and figuring them out as dogs are! Both mice and rats are also highly social animals. They become attached to each other, love their own families, and easily bond with their human guardians – returning as much affection as is given to them.”
Ferrets, too, will come to understand and know their name. The American Ferret Association states: “Ferrets will surprise and delight you with what they can do and learn. They recognise their name, respond to verbal and visual commands, and can even learn to do tricks.”
Likewise, chinchillas and degus can learn to recognise their name – although they may not always react in the way you want them too! Deguworld reveals: “Our three boys know their own names. We seldom call them by their full names, so they hear Reep, Peek, and Nuggy. They will come when called, but just as quickly run the opposite direction if they detect that they are going to be picked up when they don't want to be. LOL! They are quite talented when it comes to swiping a treat from our fingers and dashing off to a safe distance to eat it, too. Still . . . they know who they are and will, for the most part, acknowledge that they heard their name.”
Chincare adds: “People who have a good, close relationship with their chin never cease to be amazed at how perceptive and intelligent they are. Ours understand several phrases. Chinchillas can learn their own and their cage mate’s names *IF* you speak the names regularly while interacting with them because without repetition and context reference, they won’t make the association. When choosing a name, one or two-syllable names seem to be easier for a chin to grasp than long names or a name composed of multiple words.”
As for gerbils, the jury’s still out on what these small rodents base word association on. Gerbil Welfare states: “Gerbils can remember their owners and things they deem important, but precisely what they can recall is unclear. Gerbils remember their owners based on scent and appearance. They can recall gerbil cage mates, learn tricks, and know their names.”
And, when it comes to hamsters, time and patience is required. Pangovet advises: “Yes, hamsters do recognise their name, but not right away. Hamsters are intelligent creatures and, over time, can learn to recognise their names as well as their owners' voices.”
At Burgess, all our foods for small pets is made at our factory in the heart of Yorkshire, using only ingredients that meet our stringent specifications. With a long tradition of supporting British famers, we actively source all our ingredients as close to our mill as possible.
It’s no surprise that 92% of UK vets recommend our Burgess Excel small pets range!
- Check out our tasty nugget varieties specially created for junior and dwarf rabbits, indoor bunnies, golden oldies, adult rabbits – there’s even a light recipe for buns who are watching their weight!
- All Burgess Excel guinea pig nuggets, feeding hay and healthy treats are made with the finest ingredients that meet our stringent specifications and homegrown grass that’s exclusive to Burgess – no other pet food manufacturer has access to our grass!
- Burgess Excel has also developed nutrition-packed food for chinchillas and degus, hamsters, gerbils and mice, pet rats and ferrets.
And, with a fantastically nibbly range of healthy snacks available, there are all sorts of 100% natural, tasty treats to reward your small pets!
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