The Greyhound & Lurcher Two-Week takeover is back!

Nominate your local Greyhound and Lurcher rescue organisation and they could receive a share of a whopping £20,000 worth of food donations! Plus, there won’t be a dry eye in the house once you’ve read our inspiring rescue stories…
Featured image for The Greyhound & Lurcher Two-Week takeover is back!
17th January 2024

We’re delighted to highlight the wonderful work of Greyhound and Lurcher rescue organisations once again – along with some of the deserving dogs keeping their paws crossed that they’ll catch someone’s eye and be chosen for adoption – and we need your help!

Launched in 2019, the Burgess Greyhound & Lurcher Two-Week Takeover– which this year runs from 29 January to 12 February 2024 – also donates thousands of pounds worth of Burgess Supadog Greyhound & Lurcher food to rescue centres across the UK.

Last year’s Lurcher and Greyhound results are in

In 2023, Burgess received more than 3,000 nominations, with six winning rescue centres receiving a very special delivery of delicious and nutritious Supadog Greyhound & Lurcher food. And, with your help, this year looks set to be the biggest Burgess Greyhound & Lurcher Two-Week Takeoveryet!

Erin McNair, Supadog Brand Manager at Burgess Pet Care, says: “Growing numbers of Greyhounds and Lurchers need support at a time when rescues are finding it harder than ever to cover their costs. It’s testament to the commitment of the people running the rescues that they have continued with their amazing work to rehome and support the health and happiness of these beautiful animals.”

Nominate your favourite rescue centre today

The 2024 campaign will feature real life stories, super photos and top tips – which you can follow on Burgess’ Facebook and Instagram pages – is asking hound lovers across the nation to nominate their favourite independent Greyhound and Lurcher rescue centre to receive a share of £20,000.00 worth of Burgess Supadog Greyhound & Lurcher food!


Erin, adds: “Burgess is determined to improve the lives of these gorgeous dogs year-round, which is why for every sack of Burgess Supadog Greyhound & Lurcher food sold, we’ll continue to donate 20p in the form of free food to Greyhound and Lurcher rescues in the UK.”


The term 'Sighthound' is used to categorise the different breeds of dog that have exceptional speed and hunt predominantly by their sight. There are roughly 28 different sighthound breeds, and a few extra crossbreeds. These include Greyhounds, Whippets, Salukis, Italian Greyhounds and Lurchers. A Lurcher is a term given to a dog that is a cross between any pedigree sighthound breed and a non-sighthound breed.

Source: Cheshire Sighthound Rescue

Your nomination could make all the difference

Kay FitzGerald-Gorham of Lurcher Link, one of the previous winning rescue centres, adds: “Because of the generous donation of Greyhound and Lurcher foodwe received from Burgess, we've been able to allocate more of our funds to saving dogs who might otherwise have been put to sleep without specialist vet treatment and give them a chance of a new home. We’re so grateful for this campaign and Burgess’ support.”


We’re super excited about this year’s event, and keen to share feedback from the Burgess Greyhound & Lurcher Two-Week Takeover2023 survey, which revealed:

  • 88% of people stated that they got their Greyhound or Lurcher from a rescue centre
  • 91% stated that they would recommend Greyhounds or Lurchers as pets
  • Burgess is the most popular brand of dog food for rescued Greyhounds and Lurchers, with 48% of customers choosing it, compared to other well-known brands

Asked why they’d chosen to adopt a Greyhound or Lurcher, our respondents gave all manner of touching, heartfelt reasons, including:

“Gentle dogs. Usually had a rough start and deserve a better life.”

“Always loved the breed, they fit in perfectly with my lifestyle and there are so many unwanted Greyhounds after racing.”

“They are the most beautiful breed. Gentle, loving and I adore them.”

“They are lovely dogs who deserve a happy, warm retirement.”

“Because they are quiet, graceful and easy to care for.”

“They are the perfect pet, also there are thousands sent to rehoming centres every year. This is our third Greyhound and each one is special in their own way.”

“Sighthounds are such noble creatures, and many are poorly treated once they have served their purpose. I wanted to help in my own small way.”

“Because they are the most docile, loving gentle giants known in the Greyhound world as 45mph couch potatoes.”

“We love their funny ways and how much they love their humans. We wouldn't ever get another breed.”


  • Yarmouth Greyhound HomefindersPassionate giving each dog the best possible care while they wait for their forever home. The friendly and knowledgeable staff are always on hand for on-going advice and support.
  • Sheffield Retired Greyhounds Providing fully vetted and loving homes for as many retired Greyhounds as possible, so that these beautiful animals can continue to live a full and enjoyable life at the end of their racing careers.
  • Greyhound Gap Set up to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome Greyhounds and Lurchers who find themselves in a ‘put to sleep’ situation in UK pounds.
  • Forever Hounds Trust Dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of unwanted, abused or abandoned Greyhounds and Lurchers.
  • Cheshire Sighthound Rescue Caring for Greyhounds that have been retired from racing, and Sighthounds that have been relinquished from their previous owners for any number of reasons.
  • Evesham Greyhound & Lurcher Rescue Set up in 1989 by Pip Singleton who started bringing Greyhounds and Lurchers into her home to stop them being destroyed. The EGLR rescue is now run by 10 volunteers and has foster homes that look after and raise funds for the 70+ dogs being cared for at any one time.

Could you rehome a leggy lovely?

Last year’s campaign saw two lucky dogs being adopted. For 2024, we’re hoping that more leggy lovelies will find their way into people’s hearts and homes.

Do you have it in your heart to rescue a hound? Check out these heart-warming rescue stories...


“Adopting a dog like Eada is like adopting a four-year-old puppy. As working dogs, they spend all their lives living in a kennel with little to no freedom. They have very little human interaction or affection, no toys to play with and are not given pet names. So, when we adopted Eada we had to do all the things that you would do with a puppy, house training, answering to a new name. Eada is the most beautiful dog that has a heart as big as a mountain. She loves being around people and giving and receiving attention. She is patient with my young grandson, attentive when you talk to her and loves running around the garden at frightening speed!”


“People often ask me if Maverick is a rescue dog when we are out walking. After talking to someone today, something dawned on me. Everyone thinks we rescued Maverick, but in truth I think he rescued me. My before and after school walks with my gorgeous gentle giant has meant I feel calm and ready for work in the mornings and have a clear head in the evening. My family are definitely benefiting from a more chilled out mum/wife, as are the children I work with. I think he has magical powers!”

What’s the difference between a Greyhound and Lurcher? Do they make good pets? Do they need lots of exercise? How affectionate are they? What training will be required?


“In August 2022 a stray Lurcher was found with a badly broken leg. Her kind finders had taken her to a local vet where she was examined and given pain relief, but her injuries meant the leg was beyond repair and the decision was made to amputate. Cassie turned out to be a perfect girl who thrived on cuddles from humans and loved to gently play wrestle with the other dogs. Cassie recently found her forever home with a retired couple whose male Saluki cross needed a new canine companion. They live near the sea and there’s plenty of open space for her beloved zoomies."


Every dog deserves a first-class dinner. Burgess Pet Care is a British, family-owned company and all our dog foods are made in our own factory in the heart of Yorkshire. We use premium ingredients to ensure excellent quality and superior taste to help keep your dog happy and healthy – from puppy, to adult and senior.

We’ve also developed foods to meet the specific nutritional needs of sporting and working dogsGreyhounds and Lurchers and dogs with sensitivities.

All Burgess dog food is a complete food. This means, whatever variety you choose for your dog, it will contain all the nutrients they need in the correct balance.

Is your dog a Burgess dog? Join the Burgess Pet Club for exclusive offers and rewards.

CARE MORE Find lots of useful advice on caring for dog from Burgess, the pet experts.

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Product image for Supadog Greyhound & Lurcher with Chicken

Supadog Greyhound & Lurcher with Chicken

from £31.00 or subscribe and save 15%
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Supadog Adult Rich in Salmon

from £30.98 or subscribe and save 15%

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